Monday, December 13, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

nasihat berguna ku...:)

amin...mdh mdahan aku dpt menjadi wanita solehah utk agama,keluarga,suamiku nti & negara :)
i love my baby <3
amirah <3 amer

aku pada arini :)

salam semu..arini aku ok jew but de skit boring la.kt kolej xde wtpe pon.miss soh kte owg p library tp aku n member p lab komputer..hehe de ke ptt..sok or luse aku dh berangkat g kampar sbb aku pat posting kt sne..
perasaan aku skg rase malas sgt nk p tp nk wt cmne kne p jgak rse tkot sbb xpat byg kn keadaan aku ble de kt hosp kampar nti..mudah mudahan semua berjalan gn baek n lancar..aminnn............
doakn aku berjaye ye kome...hehe :)
sayang semua! tuk kome aje~~~

Monday, October 18, 2010


arini aku benggang sgt.penat2 aku bangun awal n dtg kolej awal pukul 8 pg,rpe2 nye aku pat shift ptg dgn junior plak 2...aduh!!
bru nk release tension ni dtg plak prob bru..
b4 ni dh 2weeks aku shift ptg nk rse plak shift pg..ya allah ape la slh aku....
nape dpe wat kmi cmni.......??????
aku sian sgt kn member aku yg duk jauh 2
dpe nk blik ptg ary jumaat ni tp xsangke last minute dpe diberitahu pat shift ptg..
aku dga pon skit aty...
kuang asam punye kolej....:(
pnt2 aku dtg awal pg ni klu aku twu lbh baek aku tido lg...lg bagus!!!
saba jela.~~~:(

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Your Guardian Angel

When I see your smile
Tears run down my face
I can't replace
And now that I'm stronger I've figured out

How this world turns cold
and breaks through my soul
and i know, i find deep inside me
i can be the one

i will never let u fall
i'll stand up with u forever
i'll be there for u through it all
even if saving you sends me to Heaven

it's okay,it's okay,it's okay...

season are changing and waves are crashing
and stars are falling all for us
days grow longers and nights grow shorter
i can show you, i be the one

i will never let u fall
i'll stand up with u forever
i;ll be there for u through it all
even if saving you sends me to Heaven

'cause you're' my, you're my,my
my true love, my whole heart
please don't throw that away

cause i'm here for you
please don't walk away
and please tell me, you'll stay, stay

use me as you will
pull my strings just for a trill
and i know, i'll be okay 
though my skies are turning gray

i will never let you fall
i'll stand up with you forever
i'be there for you through it all
even if saving you sends me to Heaven

i will never let you fall
i'll stand up with you forever...<3

Thursday, October 14, 2010

my stady...

salam i bz with my stdy.i gah praktikal skg.first 2week i kt kinta medical centre(K.M.C).
4weeks kt kolej n last 2weeks at hospital Kampar..xsaba jgak rase nye nk g hospital kampar but dga cter dri kwn2 i y pnh g sne kte C.I kt sne garang sgt n hosp 2 very bz.seram sejuk jgak dga nye tp nk wat cmne dh ni yg i plih so kne la harungi gak..actually i mnat sgt nursing.cita2 i dri dlu..sbnarnye i msuk kolej masterskill rmai sedara mara i xstuju,yg stuju hanya fmily i coz dh ni yg i plih..i sanggup harungi ape jua cabaran kt kolej dh e2 adat belajar kn..xde pe yg senang kt dunia ni..takdir idup i akn dtg semu di tgn allah..

at kolej,with kwn sepejuangan ku...hehe :)

kte merancang tuhan menentukn,right?? kte hanya boleh berusaha n berdoa jew..hope one day i dpt capai cita2 i ni aminnn........i love my life...:) <3